讨论运用PCI 9054(美国PLX公司生产的接口芯片)作为接口芯片的PCI(Peripheral Component Interconnect)板卡的软硬件设计,以实现天线跟踪的两个时间同步中断。利用标准秒信号中断作为系统时钟同步信号,并同步产生时间间隔为20ms(或40、50ms,可选)的中断信号,来处理天线跟踪指令输出。中断信号通过PCI中断口INTA#接入计算机,在驱动中识别不同的中断信号,并在应用程序响应中断处理后,命令ACU(Antenna Control Unit)机,实现射电天文望远镜的同步跟踪。其控制过程分3部分阐述:硬件设计、驱动程序设计、安装及应用;着重讨论了前两者的设计方法及思路。
This paper describes hardware and software designs for a PCI board based on PCI bridge chip PCI 9054. The board is used to generate two clocks interrupt to realize the synchronous tracking of the radio telescope. The standard second signal generates the 20 ms (40 ms or 50 ms) clock interval interrupt which is used to send the tracking commands. The two clock interrupts input to the computer via PCI interrupt interface INTA# can be distinguished from the different interrupt codes in driver programme. The application programme will send commands to the antenna interface to implement the tracking of the radio telescope after it responses the interrupts. The control process will be described through three aspects. First is the hardware design. Second is the driver programme design, and the third is the application programme design. The first and second aspects are described in details.
Progress In Astronomy