
黄河大堤非饱和土的强度特征及其稳定性分析 被引量:1

Analysis on Intensity Characteristic and Stability of Unsaturated Soil of the Yellow River Embankments
摘要 利用特制的非饱和土三轴仪对非饱和土强度进行了试验研究,指出:非饱和土体的抗剪强度随着含水量的不同而不同,含水量越小,土体的基质吸力就越大,抗剪强度亦越大;非饱和土的抗剪强度均高于饱和土的抗剪强度。利用简化的B ishop法对非饱和土进行了边坡稳定分析,结果表明:基质吸力影响非饱和土的强度,进而影响边坡的稳定。 After experimental study on the intensity of unsaturated soil by using special triaxial apparatus,the paper points out that the shearing resistance of unsaturated soil is different along with the different of moisture content.The less moisture content is,the greater the suction of substratum and greater of shearing resistance will be and;the shearing resistance of unsaturated soil is higher than that of saturated soil.It analyzes the slope stability of unsaturated soil by using simplified Bishop Method.The outcome shows that the suction of substratum affects the intensity of unsaturated soil,thus affects the slope stability.
出处 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2006年第6期51-52,共2页 Yellow River
基金 中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所岩土力学重点实验室开放课题资助项目(Z110501)
关键词 非饱和土 极限平衡分析 稳定性 黄河大堤 unsaturated soil,intensity,stability,the Yellow River embankment
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