
变动中的世界政治与日本问题 被引量:1

The Changing World Politics and the Japan Issues
摘要 本文认为:苏联解体后雅尔塔体系在欧洲结束,但在远东没有结束;西方针对苏联的冷战结束了,但冷战在世界范围内不仅没有结束反而有所强化。战后日本问题,本质上说就是雅尔塔体系问题。苏联解体后日本的实际表现告诉我们:日本再次导演"大东亚"的剧幕已经开始并一定要被日本右翼推到高潮。新世纪的日本在这方面将有大动作。而中美在稳定太平洋方面担负着重大的历史责任。 The essay argues that after the breakup of the Soviet Union, the Yalta System came to an end in Europe but was far from being over in the Far East. In other words, the Cold War directed against the Soviet Union has ended, while the cold war state around the globe has not terminated but rather intensified. In essence, the Japan Issue in the postwar era derives from the Yalta System. The reality situation in Japan after the disintegration of the Soviet Union shows us that the drama of the "Greater East Asia" directed by Japan again has commenced, which would inevitably be pushed to its climax by Japan~ right wingers. Japan will certainly take some big actions in this respect in the new century, and thus China and the United States have to take on the critical historical responsibilities for safeguarding the peace and stability in the Pacific region.
作者 张文木
出处 《中国软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第5期5-20,共16页 China Soft Science
基金 国家软科学研究计划资助
关键词 雅尔塔体系 日本问题 太平洋稳定 Yalta System Japan issue Pacific stability
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