
外商直接投资对我国区域创新能力的影响 被引量:90

The Impact of FDI on China Regional Innovation Capacity
摘要 本文使用我国1998-2003年各个省市、自治区的面板数据,通过计量分析的方法研究外商直接投资(FD I)对区域创新能力的影响。以专利申请量作为区域创新能力的衡量指标,本文实证分析了实际利用外资额对所有专利申请以及分别对发明专利、实用新型和外观设计三种类型专利的溢出效应的大小。研究表明实际利用外资额对专利申请量有着显著的正面效应。此外,本文打破传统的按照地理位置划分区域的方法,将我国的各个省市、自治区按照创新能力的高低分为高创新能力地区、中等创新能力地区和低创新能力地区,并实证分析外商直接投资对不同创新能力地区的溢出效应的差异。 Using the provincial -level panel data during 1998 -2003, this paper empirically studies the impacts of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the regional innovation capacity in China. Taking the number of patent applications as the evaluation index of regional innovation capacity, this paper examines FDI~ spillover effects on the number of all pa- tent applications and on each type of patent applications which include invention patent, utility model and design. The study shows that FDI does have positive and strong effects on all patent applications. Meanwhile, unlike the traditional way of splitting regions by geographical locations, this paper divides the regions into Hi - innovative region, Medium - innovative region and Low - innovative region according to different innovation capacities for a better understanding of FDI's spillover effects on innovation.
出处 《中国软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第5期104-111,共8页 China Soft Science
关键词 外商直接投资 创新能力 专利 溢出效应 中国 区域经济 Foreign Direct Investment innovation capacity patent spillover effects
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