采用访谈法、膳食调查法和文献资料法对青海省4个项目运动员的膳食营养状况进行了分析。结果表明,膳食结构不合理,热源物质的供能比例不符合推荐的标准,糖和蛋白质的摄入量偏低,脂肪摄入量偏高;各项目运动员膳食营养中普遍缺乏钙、锌、VB 1、VB 2、VC;所有运动员一日三餐的热能分配比例不合理;运动员饮酒的现象较为普遍。因此,应加强营养学知识的培养和教育,调整膳食结构,根据高原环境的特点合理摄入各种营养素。同时,应加大对各项目运动员膳食营养的指导和监控力度。
An analysis and research on the dietary and nutritional status ot the sportsmen from four events in Qinghai has been conducted by means of interviews,diet survey and literature review. The result shows that their dietary construction is inappropriate, the energy rate of the heat substance provided doesn't meet the recommended standard,the intake of carbohydrate and protein is low, but the fat is high. Besides,the insufficiency of calcium and zinc and VB1, VB2 ,VC is very common in the diet of these players, with improper distributional rate of calories in their three meals everyday and frequent drinking. It is suggested that the knowledge about nutrition should be learned and educated, dietary structure should be adjusted and proper intake of various nutritious food should be enforced according to the characteristics of environment on the plateau. Meanwhile,the dietary nutrition for the sportsmen of different events should be guided and monitored greatly.
Journal of Capital University of Physical Education and Sports
Qinghai Provinee
Dietary and Nutritional Status