
音象·形象·义象——庞德语势翻译理论之个案研究:庞德《青青河畔草》译诗 被引量:1

Melopoeia,Phanopoeia and Logopoeia——A Case Study of Pound's Theory of Translation: Pound's Translated Poem of Qing Qing He Pan Cao
摘要 以庞德音象、形象、义象理论为依据,结合《青青河畔草》中文原诗及费诺罗萨笔记逐句分析庞德《神州集》之《青青河畔草》译诗,可见庞德《青青河畔草》译诗以语势为尚的翻译特点:1.讲究音韵,以元韵为主,通过音韵取势;2.讲究节奏,以单音节词为主,节奏随情感而变,通过节奏取势;3.捕捉意象,以整体美学效果为尚,通过漩涡取势;4.增加动词,变静态意象为动态意象,通过动态意象取势;5.讲究变化,词语位置变动不居,通过词语的位移取势;6.注重意境,追求原诗整体美学效果,通过隐含意义取势。 On the basis of Pound' theory of melopoeia, phanopoeia and logopoeia, the paper, a case study of Pound's translation theory based on " energy of language", attempts to summarize Pound's translation strategies based on "energy in language" in his translated poem of Qing Qing He Pan Cao in Cathay in comparison with the corresponding Chinese poem and Fenollosa's notes. "Energy in language" in Pound's translation of Qing Qing He Pan Cao consists in: 1. reliance on assonance; 2. reliance on rhythm which corresponds exactly to the emotion or shade of emotion to be expressed by heavy use of monosyllabic words; 3. reliance on images, vortex in particular, with an emphasis on overall aesthetic effect; 4. reliance on moving images to which stationary images are transformed by the use of verbs; 5.emphasis on "make it new" by "movement of words"; 6. emphasis on overall aesthetic effect by implied meaning.
作者 谢丹
出处 《西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第3期6-11,31,共7页 Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)
关键词 语势 音象 形象 义象 庞德 《神州集》 《青青河畔草》 energy in language melopoeia phanopoeia logopoeia Pound Cathay Qing Qing He Pan Cao
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