
师生互动参与在大学英语教学中的实现 被引量:1

Realization of Interaction Between Teachers and Students in College English Teaching
摘要 随着全球化的加深,英语在各个领域运用得越来越广泛,大学生的英语教学也显得更为重要。实施以学生为主体的“师生互动”教学模式是实现大学英语教学目标的关键。要实现师生之间的互动教学,培养师生的良好感情,激励学生的学习兴趣是重要前提;培养学生用英语思维习惯去学习是必要条件;采用有效的教学方式是根本保证。 English is used more and more extensively in every field as the globalization is deepening. So college English teaching becomes more and more important. The key point to fulfill the purpose of English teaching is to carry out the teaching approach of "interaction between teachers and students" and put the students as the main role. Cultivating the emotion between students and teachers and the study interests of students is the important prerequisite, cultivating the habits of thinking in English is the essential factor, and taking the ways of interaction is the basic assurance. All these points guarantee the realization of the "interaction between teachers and students".
作者 付小霞
出处 《湖南第一师范学报》 2006年第2期81-82,85,共3页 Journal of First Teachers College of Hunan
关键词 互动参与 学习兴趣 英语教学 interaction study interests English teaching
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