
大学生午睡情况调查 被引量:2

Survey on napping among college students
摘要 目的:了解大学生午睡情况及相关的影响因素。方法:于2005-06-11采用整群抽样的方法对新乡医学院二年级住校大学生602名用自行设计的午睡情况调查问卷进行调查,内容包括午睡习惯(经常、有时、很少)、午睡对下午及晚上学习的影响(有明显帮助、有帮助、无帮助)、午睡的原因(晚上睡眠不足、担心下午及晚上学习效率不高、中午有午睡时间)、对取消午睡的态度(不同意、同意、无所谓)、午睡习惯形成的时间(小学、中学、大学)、季节对午睡的影响(夏季、冬季、春秋季节)、午睡对夜间睡眠的影响(有影响、无影响、无所谓)等。该学校学生早上出操,作息制度为:夏季午休3h,其他季节均为2.5h。结果:发放问卷602份,删除填写不规范者,获回答合格问卷596份,有效率为99.0%。①经常午睡者占调查总人数的88.6%(528/596),有时午睡者占8.2%(49/596),很少午睡者占3.2%(19/596)。②午睡对提高下午及晚上学习效率有明显帮助者占调查总人数的53.5%(319/596),有帮助者占38.8%(231/596),无帮助者占7.7%(46/596)。③午睡的原因主要是晚上睡眠不足,占48.5%(289/596)、其次是不午睡则下午和晚上学习效率不高,占46.1(275/596)。④76.8%的同学不同意取消午睡,同意者仅占3.7%(22/596)。⑤午睡习惯的形成主要始于中学,占66.6%(397/596),小学和大学形成午睡习惯者分别占20.3%(121/596)和13.1%(78/596)。⑥夏季午睡的同学占96.1%,冬季午睡的人数相对少一些,占81.4%(485/596),春秋季节午睡的人数居两者之间,占89.3%(532/596)。⑦认为午睡对夜间睡眠无影响的同学占80.7%(481/596),认为午睡对夜间睡眠有影响的同学占12.8%(76/596),对午睡影响夜间睡眠表示无所谓的同学占6.5%(39/596)。结论:午睡现象在大学生中极为普遍,午睡有助于提高下午及晚上的学习效率,午睡也许是一种生理需要,但更是一种生活习惯。 AIM: To comprehend the napping status and related influencing factors of college students. METHODS: A cluster sampling method was used to carry out a survey of napping on June 11^th, 2005 among 602 sophomores in residence of Xinxiang Medical College. The contents of self-compiled questionnaire included napping habituation (frequently, sometimes or seldom), influence of napping on afternoon and evening study (obviously helpful, helpful or unhelpful), cause to noon naep (making up for night sleep, more efficient for afternoon and evening study or killing the vast noon time), attitude to cancel napping (oppose, support or do not mind), napping habitatuated time (primary school, high school or college), season changes influencing napping (summer, winter or spring and summer) and napping influencing the night sleep (influential, uninfluential or uncertain). All the students did morning exercises, and had three hours for mid-day rest in summer while two and half hours in other seasons. RESULTS: Totally 602 questionnaires were sent out, and those of false filling were excluded while 596 qualified ones were collected with the effective rate of 99%.①There were 88.6% subjects (528/596) had napping frequently, while 8.2% (49/596) sometimes and 3.2% (19/596) never,②The influence of napping on the learning efficiency in the afternoon and evening were found obviously helpful in 53.5% subjects (319/596), somewhat helpful in 38.8% (231/596) and unhelpful in 7.7% (46/596).③The cause to napping was mainly making up for the shortage of night nap (48.5%, 289/ 596), then for a better study during afternoon and evening (46.1%, 275/ 596).④The majority of subjects (76.8%) opposed to cancel napping whereas only 3.7% (22/596) agreed.⑤There were 66.6% subjects (397/596) who had the napping habit in high school, and 20.3% (121/596) in primary school and 13.1% (78/596) in college. ⑥There were 96.1% subjects who had napping in summer, 81.4% (485/596) in winter, and 89.3% (532/596) in spring and autumn. ⑦ In addition, 80.7% subjects (481/596) believed napping was uninfluential for the night sleep, while 12.8% (76/596) thought influential and 6.5% (39/596) did not care. CONCLUSION: napping is very common among the college students, and can help to increase the learning efficiency in the afternoon and evening. Moreover, it is perhaps a living habit more than a kind of physiological need.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第22期43-45,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
基金 河南省教育厅"十五"教育科学规划课题(2004-JKGHB-600)~~
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