Objective: To identify mRNA profiles in microdissected PIN and prostate carcinoma by microarray analysis and to compare mRNA expression patterns between benign hyperplasia, PIN and tumorous epithelia in order to get insight into the carcinogenesis and development of prostate cancer and obtain biomarkers for PIN and prostate carcinoma. Methods: Gene expression profiles were generated from 5 benign hyperplasia, 6 PIN and 5 prostate cancer. Affymetrix Human Genome U133 A (HG-U133A) microarrays were used in this study. Laser capture microdissection (LCM) was performed to procure pure epithelial cell populations. Results: Clear differences of gene expression patterns were observed among the three groups investigated. A unique mRNA profile was observed in microdissected PIN cells compared to hyperplasia and carcinoma. Notably, many genes were found gradually modulated (up--regulation or down-regulation) in the transition of benign hyperplasia to PIN to prostate cancer. Conclusion: The results show that gene expression separates benign hyperplasia, PIN and prostate cancer by both significant increases and decreases in expression of specific genes. Gradually modulated genes were observed in the reansition of BPH to PIN to carcionma.
Shaanxi Medical Journal
Prostatic neoplasms/diagnosis Oligonucleotide array sequence analysis