基于梁子湖自然保护区1987年和2004年Landsat-TM影像遥感数据,在Erdas Imagine 8.5图像处理软件的支持下,结合野外实地考察,获得了土地利用现状图,通过对数据的统计分析,研究了保护区近20年来土地利用/土地覆盖的动态变化。研究表明:耕地和水域是保护区内的主要土地利用类型;近20年来,耕地、园地、林地、草地的面积都有减少,其中耕地面积减少了2320.816 hm2,减少比例达到11.78%,是面积减少最多的土地利用类型;居民点、交通、水域用地有所增加,其中池塘面积变化最大,增幅达到213.4%,是面积增加最多的土地利用类型,居民点用地增加了551.18 hm2,增幅达到59.07%,是增长幅度较大的土地利用类型。变化的原因主要是经济的发展、人口数量的增长和旅游业的发展。
The status map of Liangzi Lake was made by using software of Erdas Imagine 8.5 based on the Landsat - TM video remote sensing data of the natural reserve in 1987 and 2004. Then the dynamic change of land use and land cover of Liangzi Lake in recent 20 years was investigated. The result shows: arable land and water area are the main using types in the natural reserve; all the areas of amble land, garden land, woodland and grassplot have decreased, in which arable land decreased by 2320.816 hm^2, accounting for 11.78% ; residential, traffic and water area all increased; Pond area increased most greatly with the increasing rote of 213.4%. Residential area also increased greatly with 551.18 hm^2, accounting for 59.07%. It is concluded that reasons for such changes are: development of economy, increase of population and rising of tourism.
Sichuan Environment