Agrostis is a problematic genus because of difficulties in morphological characterization.These are largely subjected to environmental influences and have resulted in many synonymous species and uncertainties in phylogenetic relationships. Furthermore, Agrostis are normally outcrossing species and exhibit many ploidy levels, resulting in many interspecific hybrids. To study the genetic diversity and relationships between Agrostis, fifty-eight plants representing 7 Agrostis species, including A. stoloni f era, A. alba, and A. gigantea, were investigated using multi-molecular markers. Nine RAPD primers, two SSR primers, five ISSR primers and one SCAR marker were selected and optimal PCR programs were performed. Both maximum parsimony analysis with heuristic search and Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) dendrograms clearly distinguished three lineages. One, consisted of four native Agrostis species of Japan, a second included two species (A. stoloni fera and A. alba), and the third consisted only of A. gigantea. A. stoloni fera and A. alba which formed a monophyletie group and was supported by a 100% strong bootstrap value. A. alba presented several unique A. stolonifera species-special bands so we support the opinion that A. alba is a variety of A. stolonifera. Possible genetic dissimilarities between A. stolonifera and A. gigantea are also discussed.
Acta Prataculturae Sinica