Objective The purpose of this study is to evaluate allied application of the auxiliary examinations which are made up of D-Dimer measure, pulmonary peffusion/ventilation scan by radionuclide(V/Q) and spiral computed tomography (sCT) in the diagnosis of acute pulmonary thromboembolism(APE). Methods 103 high risk patients have been examined by electrocardiogram,arterial blood gas,chest x-ray film,D-Dimer, V/Q and sCT. The quantities of D-Dimer is measured by scattering photoextinction , and V/Q is used by 99mTC nuclide marker. The value of indexes has been calculated. Results Among 103 high risk patients, 33 patients have the disease of APE. The abnormal results of D-Dimer is made up of 97.4%. The abnormal results of V/Q is made up of 89.4%. The abnormal results of sCT is made up of 86.8%. D-Dimer test shows a sensitivity of 97.4% ,a negative predictive value of 96. 3%. V/Q shows a specificity of 93.8% , a positive predictive value of 89.5%. sCT shows a specificity of 98.5% , a positive predictive value of 97.1%. Conclusion Allied application of both high sensitive test of D-Dimer and high special test of V/Q & sCT has a good clinical value in the diagnosis of APE. It can decrease missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis.
Medical Journal of Liaoning
pulmonary thromboembolism D-Dimer pulmonary perfusion/ventilation scan spiral computed tomography