Imunohistocbemical staining and automatic image analysis were appied to detect the expression of p21ras and DNA ploidy distribution pattern among 27 cases of gastric carcinoma,22 cases of atypical hyperplasia and 9 cases of normal mucousa.The results showed that the positive rate of p21ras was the highest in atypical hyperplasia,In 27 case of gastric carcinoma,the positive ratio of p21ras in DNA ploidy pattern typeⅠ,Ⅱand Ⅲ was 83.3%,66.7%and 33,3% respectively.It indicated that expression level of p21ras in gastic carcinoma cells decreased with increase of their DNA content and ploidy.Moreover,the expres sion level of p21ras in gastric carcinoma was obviously lower than that in atypical hyperplasia.This finding suggested that the overexpression of p21ras in gastric carcinoma might be initiated before cytophenotype transformed.
The Practical Journal of Cancer