提出了一种联合上限法(Upper Bound Method)和主应力法(Slab Method)确定模具与金属接触表面压力分布的方法.这是一种基于利用上限法确定金属流动和变形区,然后根据主应力法原理计算接触面压力分布的方法,简称UBM/SM联合法.这种方法较其它方法简便,而且能给出计算压力分布的解析式.本文阐述该法的基本原理,并用它计算杯形件反挤时凸凹模表面的压力分布.
A combined UBM/SM approach is suggested for determining the Die/Metal contact pressure distribution. This is based on UBM analysis for determination of metal flow and deformation zone. from which the pressure distributon over tool is calculated by using SM analysis. It is more simple and convenient than other method,and may give an analytical formula of tht contact pressure. The present paper demonstrates it's basic principles and uses it for calculating the pressure, distibv.tion along the side 'walls and the bottom of container in the backward extrusion process.
Metal Forming Technology