Objective:To improve the knowledge and the level of diagnosis and treatment to duplication of bladder. Methods..2 cases of duplication of bladder were reviewed. Results:The symptoms of these 2 cases were hypogastric zone discomfort and urinary frequency, odynuria. After preoperative examinations, one was diagnosed as left kidney atrophy, inferior segment distention in left ureter, and the other was bladder diverticulum, combined with cystic calculus and infection. During the operation on the first case, we found a muscular sac, which was demonstrated to be bladder tissue in pathology, was connected with the left ureter. And on the second case, we found a septum, which divided the bladder into two cavities incompletely. Conclusions: Duplication of bladder is rare occurred and is often combined with other organs abnormalities. The embryogenesis mechanism is unknown. Imageology examinations may help to diagnose the disease. The only method to cure the disease is operation.
Journal of Clinical Urology
Bladder disease
Duplication of bladder, Congenital abnormality