
新不透明度下对流超射对大中质量恒星演化的影响 被引量:1

The Influence of Convective Overshooting on Modelling Massive and Intermediate-Mass Stars with New Opacities
摘要 本文采用国际上最新的辐射不透明度表,计算了有对流超射的两颗大中质量星从主序到中心氦燃烧结束阶段的演化,并和经典对流条件下的演化结果进行比较,发现恒星在赫罗图中的演化轨迹,中心氢、氦燃烧寿命,氢壳层源的特性都有明显变化,还注意到中等质量恒星的Tc-ρc关系对是否有对流超射较为敏感,并对这些变化进行了理论分析. We compute the theoretical evolution of a massive and an iotermediate-mass star through main sequence and core He-burning phase with the most recent radiative opacities.The computations are performed by adopting a moderate nonlocal overshoot from the convective region. The use of overshooting produces appreciable variation of the evolutionary paths in the HR diagram, the dtiration of the central H-and He-burning phases, and the characteristics of the H-shell burning stage when compared with the results derived under classical convection conditions. It is noticed that the Tc-ρc. relation of intermediate-mass stars is very sensitive to the use of overshooting. We discuss these results theoretically.
出处 《天体物理学报》 CSCD 1996年第2期179-184,共6页
关键词 恒星结构 对流超射 恒星演化 不透明度 convective overshooting,stellar interiors,stellar evolution
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