:When inheriting the dharma Heaven and golden mean in Confucius philosophy, golden mean brings forward new philosophy about Cheng which have not been fulfilled in the world, and therefore not only can not put forward transparent affiliation between Heaven and humanism, but also path for carrying out Heaven. Relying on the Xin the inherited endosmosis Cheng, Mencius put forward the four Duan,inherence for everyone and everyone can become the sage like Yao and Shun if they subsist their Xin and congenital competence, if not, they would lose themselves. The seigneurs would unify the world and became great king if they implement humanism politics according to his humanity philosophy. Mencius developed golden mean mainly in two aspects: immanence and extrinsic, which have profound infection to neo- Confucius and traditional philosophy.
Journal of Yancheng Institute of Technology(Social Science Edition)