本文以1992年、2002年两期的遥感数据和其它GIS数据、专题图等为基础,利用面向对象的方法进行解译,对万州区10年的土地利用/土地覆被变化进行了分析,结果表明:10年间建设用地、草地有较大的增长,其它类型都呈现不同程度的衰减;建设用地增加1 372.7 hm2,占总变化面积的26.26%,主要来自耕地的减少,草地的动态度也较高,达到5.58;通过对景观格局的分析,该区的景观的异质程度提高,土地趋于多样化,优势度降低,10年景观类型发生了较大的变化。
This paper analyses the change of land nse/cover in Wan Zhou country of Chong Qing between 10 years based on RS and GIS using object - oriented method. Two sets of satell.ite imagery data of 1992 and 2002, some other GIS data and subject map of this area are used in the research. The conclusions: all the land - use types were decreased more or less except cultivated land and grassland; The construction area was increased by 1372.7 hm^2 mainly derived from the farmlands, which is 26.26% changing among the total area; land use degree index of grassland is as lugh as 5.58% ;Through the analyses using landscape pattern method, we found that the landscape's heterogeneity degree is rising, the types of land is becoming diversification, dominance decreases in this area, the change of the landscape pattern in this area was very great for 10 years.
Jiangxi Energy