
组织对员工的忠诚、员工的工作满意感和组织忠诚感与员工绩效 被引量:15

Organizational Loyalty to Employees,Employees' Job satisfaction,Loyalty to Organization and Performance
摘要 在919份有效问卷的基础上,建立起结构方程模型,显示的结果得到以下结论:1.提高员工的工作满意感,既有利于提高员工的工作绩效,也有利于培养员工的组织忠诚感;但工作满意感并不能让员工在完成本职工作之余从事其他的对组织有利的行为;2.提高员工的组织忠诚感,可以让员工愿意在完成本职工作之外从事其他的对组织有利的行为,但这种忠诚感并不能保证他们能很好地完成本职工作;3.要同时达到提高员工工作绩效和让他们愿意在完成本职工作之外从事其他的对组织有利的行为的目的,企业就应该让员工充分感受到组织对自己的支持。 Based on 919 valid data, the authors build a structural equation model. Here follows the resuits: 1. Increasing job satisfaction can improve employees'job performance and loyalty to organization, but not organizational citizenship behavior; 2. Increasing employees' loyalty to organization can improve organizational citizenship behavior, but not job performance; 3. So if corporations want to improve both job performance and organizational citizenship behavior, they should increase their loyalty to employees, that is, to make the employees perceive more support from their employer, which influences both job performance and organizational citizenship behavior through employees'job satisfaction and loyalty to organization.
出处 《软科学》 CSSCI 2006年第3期119-121,128,共4页 Soft Science
关键词 组织对员工的忠诚 工作满意感 组织忠诚感 员工绩效 企业 organizational loyalty to employees job satisfaction loyalty to organization employees'performance
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