启动程序开发的主要目的是为嵌入式操作系统在特定的硬件平台上营造优化的启动环境并保证其正常运行.在实现μClinux内核启动程序的基础上,阐明了其总体设计思想,并描述了内核下载的实现方法.同时还进一步提出利用UU(unix to unix)算法来编码解码内核文件的具体方案,用以优化内核文件传输过程,进而提高系统的可移植性.经过实践证明该方案是可行的.
The purpose of bootloader development is to build optimized booting environment in which embedded operating system is able to correctly operate with specific hardware platform. This paper expatiates on the design roadmap of development of μClinux boofloader and describes the way to download kc ,, which is based on programming implementation. At the same time, it presents the solution to optimize the process of transporting kernel file and improves system's portability. This solution uses UU (Unix to Unix) algorithm to encode and decode kernel files during transporting process, which proves to be feasible in practice.
Journal of Chongqing Institute of Technology