
西农萨能奶山羊随机微卫星扩增多态DNA(RMAPD)与经济性状的相关性 被引量:3

Association of Random Microsatellite Amplification Polymorphic DNA with Economic Traits in Xinong Saanen Dairy Goat
摘要 利用随机微卫星扩增多态DNA(RMAPD)技术分析69只西农萨能奶山羊基因组DNA的多态性与产奶性状(第1~5胎产奶量和平均产奶量)、产羔数(第1~5胎产羔数和平均产羔数)和体尺指标(初生重、成年体重、胸围、管围、体高、体斜长)的相关性.RMAPD与3个经济性状的相关性结果表明:66个标记条带分别对产奶量、产羔数及初生重、体重、体高等体尺指标有显著或极显著的标记效应(P〈0.05, P〈0.01).其中,23个标记条带(14个正向效应标记和9个负向效应标记)与产奶量有关, HEL1r+F09的C、D、J、K和L带对第3~5胎及平均产奶量有显著的标记效应,尤其是J带对第5胎产奶量有极显著的正向标记效应; 23个标记条带(11个正向效应标记和12个负向效应标记)与产羔数有关,HEL1r+F09的J带、MFW20f+P4的H带、HEL1f+F09的E带和MFW20f+F09的A、D带对产羔数有极显著的标记效应;20个标记条带(9个正向效应标记和11个负向效应标记)与体尺指标有关,HEL1f+F09的G带、HEL1r+F09的E带对初生重有极显著的标记效应,HEL1r+OPW19的M带对胸围有极显著的标记效应 (P〈0.01). Random microsatellite amplification polymorphic DNA (RMAPD) technique was used to analyze association of polymorphisms of Xinong Saanen dairy goats with economic traits (including milk yields in different lactations, litter size in different birth and body sizes such as birth weight, body weight, stature, body size, shank girth and heart girth). The results about associations of RMAPD with three economic traits indicated that 66 bands had significantly effect on milk yield, litter sizes and body sizes (P〈0.05 or P〈0.01). Among those, 23 bands (including 14 positive bands and 9 negative bands) significantly affected milk yield, especially band C, D, J and K of HEL1r+F09 which produced significantly effect on milk yield from third lactation to fifth lactation and average milk yields; 23 bands ( including 11 positive bands and 12 negative bands) significantly affected litter sizes, especially band J of HEL1r+F09,band H of MFW20f+ P4,band E of HELlf+F09, band A and D of MFW20f+F09 which significantly associated with litter sizes;20 bands ( including 9 positive bands and ll negative bands) had significantly effect on body sizes. For example, band G of HEL1f+F09, band E of HEL1r+F09 significantly associated with birth weight, and band M of HEL1r+OPW19 produced the same marked effect on heart girth (P〈0.01).
出处 《畜牧兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期523-529,共7页 ACTA VETERINARIA ET ZOOTECHNICA SINICA
基金 国家自然科学基金(30070551) 农业部留学人员活动基金(1999-12D) 陕西省自然科学基金(99SM06) 西北农林科技大学拔尖人才支持计划项目 西北农林科技大学研究生教育创新计划项目(05YCH018)资助
关键词 奶山羊 随机微卫星扩增多态DNA(RMAPD) 产奶量 产羔数 体尺指标 dairy goat random microsatellite amplification polymorphic DNA (RMAPD) milk yield litter size body sizes
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