
关于WHO对大流行流感的危险性评估及应对策略综述 被引量:6

Review on WHO Risk Assessment and Strategic Action Against Pandemic Influenza
摘要 1997年香港首次出现人感染高致痛性禽流感H5N1(HPAI-H5N1)病例,18例痛人中6例死亡。自2003年末开始,越南、泰国、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚、中国等亚洲国家分别报道了人感染HPAI—H5N1的病例,到2005年底为止,已造成76人死亡。从2006年开始,处于欧亚地区的土尔其及位于中东的伊拉克也出现了人感染HPAI—H5N1的病例,说明此病毒正向世界各地扩散。WHO于1997年开始关注这一情况,认为此次H5N1爆发有可能引发新一轮世界流感大流行,并颁布了一系列指导性文件。本文以WHO发布的危险性评估、应对大流行的战略行动、疫苗及药物使用策略等文件为基础做一综述,从中可以看出WHO对潜在的流感大流行的态度及建议。 The H5N1 infection in human appeared firstly in Hong Kong in 1997, 6 of 18 identitied cases died. Starting from the end of 2003, Asian countries, such as Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia and China also reported human H5N1 infection cases and totally recorded 76 deaths until the end of 2005. From the beginning of 2006, H5N1 infection in humans appeared in Turkey of Eurasia and Iraq in Meddle East, which indicated that the virus is diffusing worldwide. From 1007, WHO issued a series of guidance documents based on the presumption of possible new pandemic influenza in the world because of explosion of H5N1. This paper reviewed WHO's documents of risk assessment and strategic action against pandemic influenza and tactics of bacteria and drug using, and from that the attitude and advises of WHO for potential pandemic influenza were discovered.
作者 李长贵
出处 《中国药事》 CAS 2006年第6期370-374,共5页 Chinese Pharmaceutical Affairs
关键词 高致病性禽流感 H5N1 流感大流行 应对策略 High Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Pandemic Influenza Strategic action
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