

An Architecture for DiffServ in the Internet and its Implementation
摘要 近年来,Internet研究人员及其运营商都致力于研究和开发具有服务质量保障能力的新型网络技术,以满足越来越多的高质量服务的需求。IETF提出的区分服务体系结构成为人们讨论和研究的热点,它根据用户的需求将业务分为多种类型,网络节点根据数据包的DSCP值选择相应的每跳行为对数据包进行处理。本文深入分析了区分服务的体系结构,并在此基础上提出了一种区分服务的实现方式。 In recent years, some newly-emerging network technologies which have the ability of quality of service(QoS) are researched and developed for satisfying the requirement of more and more high QoS by internet researchers and managers. Soine more and more attentions shift to the architecture of Differentiated Services( DiffServ) proposed by IETF. DiffServ clas sifies all the packets according to users" requirement, these packets get different Per-Hop Behavior to guarantee their QoS in each node through their path. In this paper, the architecture of DiffServ is deeply analyzed and an implementation based on DiffServ is presented.
作者 吕佳
出处 《重庆师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2006年第2期30-33,共4页 Journal of Chongqing Normal University:Natural Science
基金 重庆市教委科学技术研究项目(No.KJ050802)重庆师范大学科研资助项目(No.05xly003)
关键词 体系结构 区分服务 每跳行为 确保服务 architecture differentiated services Per-Hop behavior assured service
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