运用两种不同细胞活性检测实验评价羊胎盘免疫调节因子(Goat placenta immune-regulatingfactor,GPIF)活性效果,发现E玫瑰花环实验和5-溴-2’脱氧尿苷掺入酶联免疫吸附实验—BrdU-ELISA均能反映GPIF、阳性药物PHA活性效果,两种评价方法评价结果具有相关性,但传统的E玫瑰花环实验具有灵敏度低、重现性差、影响因素复杂、实验环节多、周期长的缺点,BrdU-ELISA实验则与此相反具有灵敏、易操作、重现性好的特点;实验室研制的GPIF具有增强T细胞活性作用,可能是一种免疫调节剂。鉴于两种实验评价GPIF活性效果的对比分析,推荐对具有细胞免疫调节活性作用的药物活性检测采用BrdU-ELISA法。
Evaluating activity of the GPIF by different assays, E rosettes and BrdU-ELISA can determinate the activity of GPIF and PHA. The Pearson correlation analysis of the statistics data indicates the correlation between E rosettes ratio and OD value. There are deficiencies of low sensitive, bad recurrence, complete effect factors, many operating controls and long experimental periods in E rosettes assay but BrdU-ELISA. The GPIF has an activity enhancement effect of T cell, it may be a kind of immune-regulating substance. Based on the contrasts of activity effect between E rosettes and BrdU-ELISA, it is recommended to adopt BrdU-ELISA for the determination of drugs activity with cell immune-regulating effect.
Research and Exploration In Laboratory