
目前遗传资源和传统知识法律保护机制国际探索的成就与不足——评CBD事先知情同意机制和FAO农民权机制 被引量:12

The Success and Weakness of the International Protection System to the Present GR and TK-On the prior informed consent system of CBD and the farmer's rights system of FAO
摘要 传统知识是长期以来传统部族在长期的生产生活实践中创造出来的知识、技术、经验的总称,是一种知识形态和知识产品。CBD等国际组织对遗传资源及有关传统知识的保护进行了多年的探索,在保护机制上取得了一定的创新。CBD开创的事先知情同意机制和FAO开创的农民权机制为其代表。两种机制均在物权层面设计了遗传资源及有关传统知识的保护规则,但前者具有较强的保障力,后者基本上还是一种道义意义上的权利。但只有提供知识产权保护方能充分实现传统部族在传统知识上的利益。 Traditional Knowledge (TK) is all the knowledge, technique and experience that the traditional tribes have created in their long process of production, and it is a kind of intellectual product. International organizations like CBD have probed so many years for the protection of GR and TK, and have made some progress in the systems of the protection of GR and TK, such as the prior informed consent system of CBD and the farmer right system of FAO. They have provided some rules for the protection of GR and TK, but the former owns some enforceable power and the latter is essentially some moral fights. Yet, only by providing intellectual property rights can we realize the interests that the traditional tribes owned on their TK.
作者 严永和
机构地区 贵州大学法学院
出处 《贵州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第3期31-36,共6页 Journal of Guizhou University(Social Sciences)
基金 中南财经政法大学吴汉东教授主持之教育部招标课题"知识产权制度的变革与发展研究"子课题"知识产权国际保护与传统知识的保护"的阶段性成果
关键词 遗传资源 传统知识 事先知情同意 农民权 genetic resources traditional knowledge the prior informed consent farmer's rights
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  • 1[1]See WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on IP and GR,TK and F,Sixth Session(Geneva,March 15 to 19,2004),Revised version of TK Policy and Legal Options,P.6.
  • 2[2]See Report of the Commission on Intellectual Property Rights,Chapter 4,Traditional knowledge and Geographical indications,London,Sep.2002.
  • 3[3]Graham Dutfield.Developing and Implementing National Systems for Protecting Traditional Knowledge:A Review of Experiences in Selected Developing Countries,UNCTAD Expert Meeting on Systems and National Experiences for Protecting Traditional Knowledge,Innovations and Practices.Geneva,30 Oct.-1 Nov.2000.
  • 4[4]Elizabeth Longacre.Advancing Science While Protecting Developing Countries from Exploitation of Their Resources and Knowledge.Spring,2003 13 Fordham Intell.Prop.Media &EnT.L.J.P963,963,963.
  • 5[5]See David R.Downes.How Intellectual Property Could Be a Tool to Protect Traditional Knowledge.2000,25,Colum.J.Envtl.L.253.
  • 6[7]Lauren E.Godshall.Making Space for Indigenous Intellectual Property Rights Under Current International Environmental Law.2003,15,Geo.Int'l Envtl.L.Rev.497.
  • 7[8]Lester I.Yano.Protection of the Ethnobiological Knowledge of Indigenous Peoples.12 1993,41 UCLA L.Rev.443.
  • 8[9]Michael Halewood.Indeginous and Local Knowledge in International Law:A Preface to Sui Generis Intellectual Property Protection.December 1999 44 McGill L.J.953.
  • 9[1]有关背景知识参见Report of the Commission on Intellectual Property Rights,Chapter 4,Traditional knowledge and Geographical indications,London,Sep.2002;Charles R.McManis:Intellectual Property,Genetic Resource and Traditional Knowledge Protection:Thinking Globally,Acting Locally.Summer,2003 1 Cardozo J.Int'l&Comp.L.547.
  • 10[2]农民权现在已被110多个国家所接受.参见Cary Fowler,By policy or law? The Challenge of Determining the Status and Future of Agro-Biodiversity,3.1 Journal of Technology law & policy 1,(1997),at 4.











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