目的:运用动态增强技术的MRI,分析眼眶海绵状血管瘤的强化特点,以提高对不同眼眶血管瘤的认识。材料和方法:海绵状血管瘤病例共12例,均为单发病灶,均行MRI,术后均得到病理证实。磁共振系统为Siemens公司Magnetom Vision Plus1.5T。采集线圈为头颅线圈。MR平扫包括:TSE序列的T1WI、T2WI横断面以及T1WI矢状和冠状面扫描。层厚4mm。增强检查,使用高压注射器,以2.0~2.5ml/s的速度于病人桡静脉处注射Gd-DTPA后,立即连续动态扫描7次。以观察造影剂的动态变化状况。结果:海绵状血管瘤有特殊的强化模式,表现为局部点状和小结节状强化,然后逐步向全肿瘤扩展。结论:动态增强的MRI对诊断海绵状血管瘤有重要鉴别诊断的意义。
Purpose: To analyze features of orbital cavernous hemangiomas at dynamic contrast - enhanced MRI and improve the ability of diagnosis and differential diagnosis of the disease. Materials and Methods: 12 consecutive patients with solitary cavernous hemangiomas confirmed by surgery and pathology, underwent scanning with 1.5T MR system. Sagittal, transverse and coronal images, with slice thickness of 4 mm in T1 - weighted, T2 - weighted and turbo- SE sequences, were obtained before administration of Gd- DTPA. The contrast medium was injected through the radial vein with a high - pressure injector at the rate of 2.0 ~ 2.5mL/ s, which was immediately followed by 7 times of continuous dynamic T1 - weighted scans. Results: There is a characteristic dynamic enhancement pattern in cavernous hemangiomas, which started as focal enhancement and then gradually extended to the whole tumor. Conclusions: Dynamic contrast - enhanced MRI is a valuable method in distinguishing orbital cavernous hemangioma from other orbital tumors. A characteristic pattern of enhancement is depicted in spongy hemangioma.
Chinese Computed Medical Imaging
Orbital cavernous hemangioma
Dynamic contrast- enhanced
Magnetic resonance imaging