In this paper the morphogenesis and histogenesis of dorsal skin and scutes based upon 16embryos of Alligator sinensis were described.At the 20th day of incubation,mesenchyme from mesodermal dermatome began nigratting toward the primitive epidermis which consisted of two layers of cells:periderm and stratum germinativum.At the 28th day of incubation,dorsal scales were all distinct with shallow furrows between the right and left scales and epidermis-dermis projection or anlagen for scutes between fore and hind scales.The projections of anlagen for scutes lengthened at the 34th day of incubation.The longitudinal ridges of dorsal scales were evident at the 40th day of incubation. During the 34 ̄50th day of incubation,the epidermis at the base of hind margin of scutes anlagen invaginated gradually toward the dermis at the base of fore margin,and scutes lengthened horizontally to the hind.The dorsal epidermis had three layers of cells at the 34th day of incubation.Pigmentation started to appear in the cells of periderm at the 40th day of incubation.At the 50th day of incubation.the dorsal epidermis had four layers of cells, and greats deal of pigmentation in the cells of periderm were observed.At the 60th day of incubation,the layers of epidermis were similar to that of adult alligator,and the periderm had degenerated.The cell morphology of dermis appeared varied to each other at the 34th day of incubation.At the 40th day of incubation,the dermis could be divided into the upper and under layers in Which network of collagenous fibers and parallelly lined collagenous fibers formed respectively at the 50th day of incubation.
Development Dorsal skin and scutes Alligator sinensis