当今,我国货运企业的信息化建设尚处在起步阶段,信息化总体水平还比较落后,导致企业经营管理水平低,运输效率差,效益难以充分发挥。本文介绍的系统以Access 2000作为后台数据库,用Delphi7.0作程序开发工具,讨论物流货运信息管理系统的基本架构和其相关的技术。
Today, the informationalization building in China's cargo service being still in its beginning stage and the overall ievel of informationalization remaining backward, results in poor management, low transportation efficiency and unsatisfactory return rates. Introducing a system with Access-2000 as the backstage database, and Delphi7.0 as the program-developing tool, this thesis is designed to discuss the basic framework of the information management system for logistics freight transport and the technologies concerned.
Logistics Sci-Tech