
全球化背景下欧洲汽车工业劳动关系的新发展 被引量:2

New Developments of Labor Relations in European Automobile Industry under Globalization
摘要 欧洲汽车工业的劳动关系在全球化进程中面临着一个基本问题资本和劳动力的流动性差异打破了工会和雇主组织之间的力量均衡。资本的流动性削弱了工会的组织和干预力量,加重了资本在谈判桌上的筹码,它们可以用“全球化战略”对劳工组织进行战略威胁。欧洲各国的汽车工业必须在国际层面上建立相应的机构,用制度手段来调节国际间的劳动关系。在此背景下,欧洲汽车工业的劳动关系在多方面出现了“欧洲化”趋势,即各国的工薪谈判相互影响并逐步接近。工会组织如果想重新成为与雇主组织平等的谈判对手,就必须在欧洲范围内建立相应的制度,并在此基础上通过集体谈判方式,统一调节欧洲范围内的劳动关系。 Labor relations in European automobile industry have a basic problem in the process of globalization,that is,the balance between union and employers is broken by different mobility of the capital and the labor. Capital mobility has weakened the capacity of union to organize labor and to involve in the building of labor relations,therefore,has “capital” stronger advantages in bargain. The employers can take advantages of “globalization strategy” to threaten labor organization. Thus,European automobile industry has an urgent need to set up institution on international level,so that to adjust Labour relations internationally by institutional mechanism. Due to this,labor relations in European automobile industry tend to be Europeanized in several aspects: wage bargaining in European countries is increasingly interactive and convergent. REVIEWS
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期114-125,共12页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
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