
输卵管良性肿瘤5例临床病理分析 被引量:2

Benign tumors of the fallopian tube:Report of 5 cases
摘要 目的探讨输卵管良性肿瘤的临床病理特点。方法回顾性分析本院1992年~2003年收治的5例输卵管良性肿瘤的临床及病理资料。患者平均年龄40.7岁(26.8~50.1岁),月经均规律,无不育患者。结果5例中仅有1例有盆腔包块。妇科检查均发现附件肿物,直径6~10cm;B超检出4例附件包块,直径2~10cm。肿瘤标志物CA125均正常。术前4例诊断为盆腔肿瘤(其中3例为卵巢肿瘤),无1例诊断为输卵管肿瘤。手术探查发现3例输卵管肿瘤,冷冻切片病理检查证实为良性;另2例子宫肌瘤中1例双侧输卵管稍增粗,另1例双侧输卵管外观正常。5例均施行肿瘤切除术。术后病理诊断输卵管囊性腺纤维瘤3例,输卵管囊性腺瘤样瘤1例,双侧输卵管平滑肌瘤1例。术后随诊3年6个月至13年7个月无异常发现。结论本组输卵管良性肿瘤以输卵管囊性腺纤维瘤居多。输卵管良性肿瘤可有盆腔包块的临床表现,但手术前大多误诊为卵巢肿瘤,术中也易漏诊,术中冷冻和术后病理检查方可确诊。输卵管良性肿瘤单纯切除术疗效满意。 Objective To evaluate the clinicopathological features of benign tumors of the fallopian tube. Methods There were five cases suffered from benign tumors of the fallopian tube admitted in our hospital between 1992 to 2003. Their clinical and pathological data were retrospectively studied. Results They were found in patients aged 26.8 -50.1 (average 40.7) years. All five patients had regular menopauses and no infertility. There was only one patient with symptom of pelvic mass. All patients were found with adnexal masses of 6 - 10 cm in diameter when pelvic examination. Ultrasonography showed adnexal masses of 2- 10 cm in diameter in 4 cases. Their serum CA125 level were normal. Preoperative diagnoses were pelvic masses in 4 cases ( 3 cases with ovarian tumors), but none was diagnosed with benign tumor of the fallopian tube. Three patients were found with tumors of fallopian tube and diagnosed with benign tumors of the fallopian tube by frozen section analysis in operation. In the other two patients with myomas of the uterus one case was found with bilateral enlarged fallopian tubes and one with normal fallopian tubes. The benign tumors of the fallopian tube of 5 cases with were resected. By permanent histologic examination there were 3 adenofibromas, 1 adenoinatoid tumor and 1 bilateral myomas of fallopian tubes. All patients were followed from 3 - year 6 - month to 13 - year 7 - month and no abnormal sign was found. Conclusion Adenofibmmas was the main histologic type of the fallopian tube in our group. There might be clinical symptoms and signs of pelvic masses in benign tumors of the fallopian tube, but most cases were, diagnosed with ovarian tumors by mistake. And in operation benign tumors of the fallopian tube might not be diagnosed. The diagnoses could be sure by frozen section analysis in operation and permanent histologic examination. The benign tumors of the fallopian tube had good prognosis by resectomies of the tumor.
出处 《癌症进展》 2006年第3期259-261,共3页 Oncology Progress
关键词 输卵管良性肿瘤 临床病理特征 benign tumors of the fallopian tube clinicopathological features
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