供精人工授精(artificial insemination by donor,AID)是人类辅助生殖技术之一,对于少、弱、畸形精子症,严重遗传病等男性患者,通过非性交方式将供精者的精液放入女性生殖道内,达到生育目的,AID是目前世界各国广为采用的治疗男性不育的技术。这种生育方式使以血缘为基础和纽带的传统亲子关系受到根本性的冲击,从而引起一系列伦理和法律问题等方面的社会问题。本文就亲子关系的复杂化和AID子女的法律地位、单身妇女可否接受AID、孩子的知情权、精子库管理及近亲繁殖的问题进行探讨。
Artificial insemination by donor (AID) is one of mankind's auxiliary reproduction technology. To male patients of lacking, weak, deformity sperm's disease and serious hereditary disease, etc. , through non-sexual intercourse way putting seminal fluid of donor into women's reproduction dish, it can achieve the goal of bearing. At present AID is a wide adopted technology in treating men sterile all over the world. This kind of way of bearing is assaulted by the fundamental on the traditional parent -offspring's relation taking blood relationship as foundation and tie, thus it has caused the social concern in such respects as a series of ethics and legal question , etc. This text carries on the discussion on following problems: complicating of parent-off- spring relation and legal status of children of AID, whether single women can accept AID, the child's right of being in know, sperm bank management and inbreeding.
Medicine and Society