Objective To inspect the water quality of Xiang River Zhuzheu specific segment and the pollution factors and to provide factual proofs for the protection of water quality of Xiang River. Methods The study was conducted at three different points, namely the points that were 5 km from the upper area, lower area and near- lower area of Zhuzhou respectively. The inspection was performed at both the high flow and low flow period, twice for each period. For each inspection, the sample water was collected from both the left and right side and in the middle of the river. Altogether 36 of samples were examined according to the national unified water quality inspection approach. Results As a result of series of environmental protection activities, the water quality had improved in some extent, but pollution still existed, among which the containment of Cadmium, volatile phenol, mercury and arsenic all exceeded the standard by the rates of 2.64 %, 2.28%, 1.36 %, and 0.86% respectively. The main pollution origin was the industrial wastewater. In addition, the sand quarry stirred some polluting materials, such as the riverbed filthy mud, sewage from hospitals, and some wastewater from factories and daily life. Furthermore, the cleaning of the city sewage and some noxious equipment resulted in a sudden pollution as well. Conclusion In future, the education on the protection of water resources is necessary for all the public to eliminate the problem of wastewater disposal.
Practical Preventive Medicine
Xiang River
Water quality, surveillance
Pollution factors