
带内信令系统实现Ad Hoc网络的邻居预留

Neighborhood reservation with in-band signaling system in Ad Hoc networks
摘要 提出使用带内信令系统实现跨层的邻居预留机制(NR-INSIGNIA),该机制在进行带宽预留时考虑MAC层的信道竞争。节点为某个QoS流预留一定带宽之后,在所有的邻居节点上同时预留等量的带宽,以此来消除信道竞争对带宽预留产生的不利影响。仿真试验对比了没有邻居预留机制的原始INSIGNIA(In-band signaling system)系统与NR-INSIGNIA系统的性能,结果表明NR-INSIGNIA系统可以显著提高QoS流的平均预留包比率、投递率,减少端-端延迟。 A cross-layer neighborhood reservation mechanism with in-band signaling system ( called NR-INSIGNIA) for Ad Hoc networks was proposed, considering the impact of channel contention at MAC layer. When a node reserved bandwidth for a QoS flow, corresponding bandwidth reservation would be reserved at all its neighboring nodes simultaneously to eliminate the negative impact on bandwidth reservation caused by channel contention. This cross-layer neighborhood reservation mechanism can provide a certain guarantee for the QoS bandwidth reservation. Compared with the original INSIGNIA without neighborhood reservation, simulation results show that NR-INSIGNIA system can significantly improve the reserved packet ratio, packet delivery ratio and end-to-end delay of QoS flows.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第7期1532-1535,共4页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60472078 90604013)
关键词 AD HOC网络 服务质量(QoS) 带宽预留 邻居预留 Ad Hoc networks quality of service (QoS) bandwidth reservation neighborhood reservation
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