
国际关系中的言语与规则建构——尼古拉斯·奥努弗的规则建构主义研究 被引量:20

Language and Rule Construction in International Relations: On Nicholas Onuf's Rule-oriented Construction
摘要 建构主义在20世纪90年代兴起后,逐渐与现实主义、自由主义形成了三足鼎立的态势。尼古拉斯·奥努弗第一个把“建构主义”这一术语引入到国际关系学界,以语言和规则为核心,借鉴了哲学、语言学、社会学等理论,创立了自己独特的社会建构主义理论。其建构主义理论主要是围绕言语行为、规则和社会秩序而展开的。人们通过一定的规则使用语言,语言又演绎出规则,规则成为人和人交往以及人和社会互构的媒介,并最终形成统治,统治又有助于生成新的规则,二者可以相互转化,规则也因此造就社会秩序并建构出不同的统治形式。奥努弗理论让人们对语言和规则的重要性有一个新的认识,对现实具有指导意义。 Constructivism, realism, and liberalism have become the three pillars of international relations since the 1990s. Nicholas Greenwood Onuf first introduced 'constructivism' into IR theories. Drawing on theory from philosophy, linguistics, sociology, and so forth, Onuf takes language and rules as the core of his theory and develops his unique social constructivism on the basis of language behavior and rules, and social order. People speak language according to the rules of language. Language behavior can develop into rules and rules generate rule in the society. Rules become the medium for the co-construction between people and the society. Rules therefore establish order and generate different forms of rule. Onuf's rule-oriented constructivism allows us to re-think the function of language and rules and thus can provide more guidance for world politics.
作者 孙吉胜
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第6期60-66,共7页 World Economics and Politics
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  • 2Nicholas G. Onuf, "Constructivism: A User's Manual," in Vendulka Kubalkova, Nicholas G. Onuf and Paul Kowert,eds. , International Relations in a Constructed World, New York: M. E.Sharp, 1998.
  • 3Nicholas G. Onuf, "The Politics of Constructivism, " in Karin M. Fierke and Knud Eric Jφrgensen, eds. , Constructing International Relations: The Next Generation, New York: M.E. Sharp, 2001.
  • 4Nicholas G.Onuf, "Speaking of Policy," in Vendulka Kubalkova, ed. , Foreign Policy ina Constructed World, New York: M.E. Sharp, 2001.
  • 5Vendulka Kubalkova, Foreign Policy in a Constructed World, pp. 5 - 10,p.66,p.53.
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  • 7Nicholas G. Onuf: World of Our Making : Rules and Rule in the Social Theory and International Relations, p. 38.
  • 8J. L. Austin, How to Do Things with Words, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1962, p. 150.
  • 9刘永涛.《语言作用和社会建构主义》[J].国际问题论坛,2004,(36).
  • 10Nicholas G. Onuf: World of Our Making: Rules and Rule in the Social Theory and International Relations, p. 62.


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