As a great Viotorian literary and social critic, Matthew Arnold often talked about the importance of liberal education and culture for England' s emerging democracy. Using Arnold' s words for the most part, this paper suggests that what Arnold said to his countrymen then still matters much to China at the present time. When the Second Reform Bill (1867) extended voting rights to members of the (male) working class, England had already become a nation rich and powerful but not, in Arnold' s view, farsighted enough to survive successfully into the future. Arnold believes that in every state it is a dedicated and selfless minority, a "righteous remnant", that points to a way of life that is larger than that of "money-making" and saves the state from vulgarity and anarchy. Perhaps there is a need now to call for an Arnoldian remnant in China devoted to encouraging a high standard in matters of intellect and taste.
Foreign Literature Studies