Referring to his painful experience of working in a blacking factory in his childhood, Dickens confided in his close friend and autobiographer, John Forster, how he and his family had been silent about what he called "the secret agony of my soul. " On the one hand, it seemed that he grudged telling the tragic episode and bitter memories of suffering that had been haunting him throughout his life ; on the other, he was quite open about it. The "secret agony of soul" recorded in Forster' s biography also found its way into his fictions. The disturbing trauma was transformed into an important subject matter, and became a source of his creativity and a stimulus to powerful expression. Through such creative involvement, Dickens was no longer a bewildered and dispossessed adult, living apart from his trauma at a suitable distance, but a creator able to articulate his feelings with renewed clarity however dismaying that might be. The paper investigates how Dickens shapes a form of art that remedies his catastrophic childhood experience through his fictional creativity. It aims to revisit Dickens' s early life to see how incidents of this period are transformed in his fiction, and how the newly-found evidence of the so-called "blacking poems" modifies former conclusions, whether the experience is seen as destructive or reformative.
Foreign Literature Studies