基于参与长三角地区以及我国东部众多公路大桥建设工程前期勘察中的实践,通过实例说明,以浅层地震方法为主,辅以浅地层剖面探测、重磁测量、旁侧声纳等其它方法的物探技术可以在大桥建设前期勘察的各个阶段发挥重要作用。根据不同的任务要求采用相应的物探方法组合,即可取得较为满意的结果。难点是当存在多层浅层气时, 受浅部浅层气“屏蔽”的影响,尚无法探测较深处浅层气的分布。
On the basis of practice taking part in earlier stage invstigations of numerous highway bridge construction engineering in Yangzhe river delta and the East part of China, as shown by examples, geophysical prospecting technologies including near - surface seismic method ( as the main) and near - surface profile sounding, gravity and magnetic survey, side- looking sonar and other methods( as the seconds) can play an important role in different stages of earlier investigations of the bridge construction (mainly in the feasibility stages of preliminary investigations and engineering construction). According to different task requirements, application of corresponding geophysical prospecting method combinations can get more satisfied results. The difficulty in the applications in impossibility to detect distribution of gas in the deeper nearsurface layers, influenced by "shield" of the gas in the near- surface layers ,while the gas is contained in the multi -layers.
geophysical prospecting, bridge, engineering, investigations, application