According to the study of mineralization regularity of bentonite, zeolite and pearstone in the Mesozoic volcanicsedimentary formation in Eastern China, the authors recognized that the formation of the nonmetal ore deposits above was essentially governed by the Mesozoic NE-and NNE-trending faults and fault-basins.The regional structures dominated the formation and development of the basins, so that a great thickness of terrestvial volcsnics and sedimentary rocks were formed in them.The polycyclic volcanic activities formed a complexed magma evolution series, with which associated sedimentary rocks correspond to the polycyclic sedimentary series composed mostly of diluvial fan, alluvial, lacustrine and turbidite facies that were intermittently Or nearly-synchronically formed with volcanic activities.The regular changes of the volcanic-sedimentary facies in time and space constituted a complexed Mesozoic volcanicsedimentary formation in Eastern Chins. It had provided abundant source materials, the medium enhancing the ore-transformation, the climate and the suitable places necessary for formation of those nonmetal deposits and related minerals. According to the characteristics described above, three mineralization districts and five mineralization zcnes were determined througout the Eastern China.
bentonite, zeolite, pearlstone, mineralization series, Mesozoic, volcanic-sedimentary series