提出了电信信息超市的概念,得出了中国电信除充当综合信息服务提供商外, 还应成为信息交易中心的结论。首先介绍了电信信息超市的定义和内涵,接着给出了其总体架构和设计,最后给出了其经营模式和发展步骤。电信信息超市的出现,可以形成新的经营模式,使内容提供商市场得到极大繁荣,电信运营商将取得产业价值链的主导地位。实践表明,电信信息超市的总体设计是正确的,它的提出对电信企业转型有重要的参考和借鉴价值。
This paper proposes the concept of telecommunication information supermarket (TIS) and comes to the conclusion that China Telecom should not only be a comprehensive information service provider, but also be an information business center. Firstly, it defines telecommunication information supermarket. Then, it designs the overall architecture and finally gives the business model and development steps. The emergence of TIS could lead to a new business model and hugely prosper Content Provider (CP) market. Subsequently, telecom carriers may take up a dominant position in the industry value chain. Practice shows that the overall design of TIS is correct and it's a significant reference to enterprise conversion.
Modern Science & Technology of Telecommunications