无线Ad hoc网络的应用越来越广泛.由于其节点的移动性,使得现有的路由协议不能满足需求,为此,有许多的研究着力于无线路由方面并提出了多个无线Ad hoc路由协议.本文针对其中的DSR路由协议进行性能分析并通过国际通用的网络仿真器NS2进行网络仿真.仿真是在5个无线节点的网络拓扑结构中进行,通过nam直观观看网络运行的具体过程,如数据包的发送、转发、丢失和网络拓扑结构对数据传输的影响等.最后对整个过程产生的Trace文档进行处理、分析,得到DSR协议的传输速率、网络开销及其他性能特性,并和其他路由协议进行比较.
Ad hoc wireless network application are increasingly widely used. The nodes at mobile environment move frequency, so as to routing protocol in existence network can't satisfy the users' demand, wherefore, many research communities begin to pay attention to wireless routing protocol and algorithm, bring forward multi-wireless Ad hoc routing protocol. This article introduces and analyses DSR routing protocol algorithm in Ad hoc wireless network,and uses the network simulation software NS2 to evaluate DSR protocol. The simulation environment in this paper adopts five nodes and looks at the actual process through nam. Through disposal and analysis of the simulation trace document generated in wholly transport process, we have the performance analysis about DSR routing protocol ,so that we can find out DSR protocol characteristic and compare with other routing protocol in Ad hoc Network.
Journal of Tianjin University of Technology