结合开发实例,介绍了如何用Visual C++6.0创建能根据应用程序窗口宽度自动折叠或展开的工具栏.当窗口变窄时,自动折叠起来,即按照使用频度,依次将工具栏上的一组相关按钮折叠成下拉菜单.而当窗口变宽时,则按相反顺序展开.且能保持与对话栏占据同一行的位置,节省视窗空间.
A method of developing toolbars that an auto fold up or unfold according to the window width of application was presented with a Visual C + + 6.0 example. When the window becomes narrow, a group of correlative buttons will be replaced by a button with a dropdown arrow to show a popup menu with commands for these buttons. This is done in reverse order when the window becomes broader. In addition, this kind of toolbars can be placed in one row with a dialog bar to leave more space for the application's client region.
Journal of Zhengzhou University of Light Industry:Natural Science