随着W eb技术的发展,XM L已迅速成为企业数据交换的标准。XM L嵌套的、自描述的结构为数据交换提供了一种简单灵活的表达方式,使用XM L技术进行企业数据的发布也成为一种趋势。关系模型可对实体之间m∶n联系进行有效的建模。当用XM L发布关系数据时,如何表示m∶n联系成为一个关键问题。文章提出了4种用XM L表示m∶n联系的方法,并分析了它们的特点和应用场合。
With the development of Web technology, XML is becoming the standard for exchanging enterprise data. Using XML to publish enterprise data becomes a trend because XML has some characters such as nested structure, self-description structure, which provide a simple and flexible way to exchange data. Relational model can effectively model m : n relationship between entities. How to represent m : n relationship by using XML to publish relational data becomes a key problem. Four kinds of methods of using XML to represent m : n relationship are presented in the paper, the characters and application of which are analyzed.
Computer and Communications