the image of woman during the May 4^th Movement is characterized by emotional attachment, contentment with their disadvantaged social roles, escape from instead of confrontation with the hideous realities, and some even embodying emotions or a certain idea. DING Ling made her name in the literary circle when the literary creation of women writers during the May 4^th Movement were at a standstill. The image of woman in her early works was characterized by pursuit of self-dependence, confrontations with adversities of life, inner conflict of soul-searching, which vividly shows the awakening of subject consciousness of the educated women at that time. DING Ling is also good at depicting the inner conflict and subtle emotional changes of women characters in her works, who are displayed in a fuller and more individualized way compared with images of woman in other woman writers' works in the May 4^th Movement.
Journal of Shenzhen Polytechnic
ding ling
May Fourth Movement
female literature