采用土地经济学研究方法,从土地利用结构、土地利用程度和土地利用效益3个方面,对阜平县2003年土地资源利用状况进行了对比分析。结果表明:近20 a来,阜平县林业生产有较大发展,土地利用结构日趋合理,与其土地自然性状和林业县定位基本相符,但居民点及工矿用地增长较快,新开垦耕地多数利用方式不尽合理;土地利用程度有较大提高,荒山开发利用及林业建设成效明显,森林覆盖率26.26%,但森林资源区域分布不均匀,保持水土与调节生态和气候的作用依然有限;土地利用的总体效益有一定提高,但单位效益指标较低,需进一步改善生产条件、增加科技投入,提高土地资源利用效益。
Analysis of land utility efficiency in Fuping County was made by economical ways from three aspects including land utility structure, utility degree and efficiency in 2003. The result shows that forestry industry has developed a lot, the structure of land usage became more suitable, but the increase speed of land usage by the development of house building and mineral mining industry was too high. The rate of forestry coverage is about 26.26%, but its distribution is not proper. Much effort is needed for increasing efficiency of land utility in Fuping County,
Journal of Hebei Agricultural Sciences