

Energy Transfer Mechanism of Desorption Process Induced by Femtosecond Pulse Laser Irradiation on Nano-scale Film
摘要 从微观能量传输角度,对飞秒脉冲激光的辐射传热及其产生的金属薄膜吸附层分子脱附过程的能量输运机理进行了研究。以非平衡态传热和随机过程理论为基础,建立了描述吸附分子脱附过程的数学模型;并分别对单脉冲与双脉冲飞秒激光辐射下,金属Ru基体表面层的电子和声子的温度分布、吸附层分子CO的脱附概率分布进行了数值模拟。其结果与实验规律相符,为飞秒脉冲激光应用于微机电系统中杂质脱附提供了重要信息。 From the microscopic view point of energy transfer,energy transfer mechanism of femtosecond pulse laser radiation on metal film and the resulted molecules desorption from substrate is discussed.A new model based on non-equilibrium heating and stochastic process is established for elucidating desorption process induced by femtosecond pulse laser.The stimulated results reveal the electron and phonon temperature profile on the surface of substrate,desorption probability of adsorbed CO molecule as Ru film irradiated by a single pulse and a pair of femtosecond laser respectively.The obtained conclusions agree with the reports on experiments of femtosecond laser induced desorption.
机构地区 东南大学
出处 《应用力学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期237-241,共5页 Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50275026) 江苏省自然科学基金资助项目(BK2002060)
关键词 飞秒脉冲激光 非平衡态传热 脱附 随机过程 脱附概率 femtosecond pulse laser,non-equilibrium heating,desorption,stochastic process,desorption probability.
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