Assembly mode influences not only the temperature and pressure distribution in the sample chamber, which ultimately affects the quality of synthesized CBN crystals, but also makes some demand on the selection of starting hBN. In this paper the effect of assembly mode on the CBN synthesis was studied under 4 -5GPa and 1500 - 1700℃. The synthesized products were observed through optic microscope (OM). The results indicated that CBN nucleation mostly located at the interface between the two flakes and the dominant crystal shape of CBN is octahedral thick flake when the flake assembly mode was used with the mixed powder of catalyst and hBN. The reason was as follows :the mixture powder of catalyst and hBN would be pre-pressured into flakes for synthesis. In this process, because the flake thickness resulted in bad transmission of pressure, the density of the mixed powder at the surface is higher than that at the inside. The high density of the mixed powder was also in favor of the transmission of the temperature and the pressure. These all made CBN grow at the interface easily. It was concluded that the thinner the flake was, the more symmetrical and higher the density of the flake was. So it was preferred to select high density hBN with thin flake assembly mode to improve the CBN yield.
Diamond & Abrasives Engineering