The 2003--2004 weather data and concentration data for three air pollutants (SO2, NOx, PM10) are employed to classify important circulation patterns of regional air pollution in Liaoning. Based on the source of pollution, the major PM10 circulation patterns are: the winter coom pattern, the spring dust pattern, and the summer--autumn dense fog pattern. The winter coom pattern consists of six sub-patterns: Changbai high and terrain trough pat- tern, uniform pressure field inside Mongolia high circulation pattern, Northeast high ridge and west inverse trough circulation pattern, uniform pressure field in front of Mongolia high circulation pattern, uniform pressure field in front of Mongolia low circulation pattern, and small uniform pressure field inside high circulation pattern. The spring dust pattern has three sub-patterns: northeast low pattern, south gale pattern, and cold front north gale pattern; the summer and autumn dense fog pattern has two sub-patterns: low trough pattern and uniform pressure field in front of low. These patterns, which cover nearly all PM10 class 3 pollution events in Liaoning, provide convenient basis for air quality forecast and effective control of air pollutants.
Environmental Pollution & Control