
Climate Change and Sustainable Development:Realizing the Opportunity

Climate Change and Sustainable Development:Realizing the Opportunity
摘要 气候变化与可持续发展存在多方面的联系。尽管在与气候变化有关的文献中这些联系开始受到关注,但焦点多集中于从气候变化的角度分析可持续发展,而不是通过可持续发辰研究气候变化。而且,关于如何在实践中形成这些联系的系统研究很少。本文从可持续发展的角度研究气候变化。为了说明从可持续发展的角度研究气候变化将可能如何改变气候变化的研究方法,本文介绍加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省一个由企业、当地政府和学术界代表组成的、专门为省政府气候变化政策提供建议的工作小组的研究结果。工作小组发现可持续发展可以提供一个比气候政策本身更为有效的方式去实现气候政策的目标。本文讨论不列颠哥伦比亚省随后的气候变化发展,并提出该省及其它区域如何最好地执行这个可持续发展方法的一些建议。 Manifold linkages exist between climate change and sustainable development.Although these are starting to receive attention in the climate exchange literature, the focus hastypically been on examining sustainable development through a climate change lens, rather than viceversa. And there has been little systematic examination of how these linkages may be fostered inpractice. This paper examines climate change through a sustainable development lens. To illustratehow this might change the approach to climate change issues, it reports on the findings of a panelof business, local government, and academic representatives in British Columbia, Canada, who wereappointed to advise the provincial government on climate change policy. The panel found thatsustainable development may offer a significantly more fruitful way to pursue climate policy goalsthan climate policy itself. The paper discusses subsequent climate change developments in theprovince and makes suggestions as how best to pursue such a sustainability approach in BritishColumbia and other jurisdictions.
出处 《AMBIO-人类环境杂志》 2006年第1期2-8,共7页
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