
都市绿洲——广州万亩果林的困境与对策 被引量:1

Oasis in Cities-Predicament and Counter Measure for the Ten Thousand Mu of Fruit Trees in Guangzhou
摘要 广州万亩果林是广州市“三纵四横”生态廊道的重要节点,是广州的都市绿心,目前总体规划方案因各种原因难以实施,并且由于受城乡二元体制制约等原因,果林不断被违章建筑蚕食,环境污染加重,果林功能衰退,果树区居民生活水平欠佳。应采取变城乡二元为城市一元,深化总体规划方案,综合发展三一二产业,并设立特别立法与机构管理等措施综合解决。 The ten thousand mu of fruit trees in Guangzhou is an important node in the ecological corridor of "three-vertical and four horizontal" axis. It is the green center of Guangzhou.But due to the fact that the master plan is too rough to be carried out and it is restricted by the dual system of the rural and urban areas,it has resulted in the continuing occupation of the fruit trees by illegal construction,worsening of pollution,degradation of the function of fruit trees and decrease in living standard of the residents of the fruit tree areas. Therefore,it is necessary to change the dual rural and urban system into the unified urban system, detail the master plan,develop the tertiary industry, the first industry and the second industry and establish special legislation and management organs to solve the oroblems.
出处 《规划师》 2005年第9期47-51,共5页 Planners
关键词 广州 万亩果林 困境 对策 Guangzhou,Ten thousand mu of fruittrees,Predicament,Countermeasure
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  • 1《广州市海珠果树保护区总体规划深化竞赛》中标方案.


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