
植物修复的促进措施及根际微生物的作用 被引量:9

Enhancing Approaches of Phytoremediation and Role of Rhizomicrobes in Remediation Processes
摘要 目前研究表明,植物修复(Phytoremediation)技术在实际重金属污染土壤的修复中还存在一些不足之处,例如植物生物量较小、生长缓慢、土壤重金属生物有效性较低等。为了使植物修复成为一个可行的环境修复技术,国内外的许多研究表明可以通过一些促进措施来提高植物修复的修复效率;同时发现根际微生物在植物修复过程中发挥着一定的作用。本文着重评述杂交育种(Hybridization)技术、转基因(Transgenic Engineering)技术、螯合剂(Chelator)在植物修复中的应用,以及细菌、菌根真菌根际微生物(Rhizomicrobes)在植物修复过程中的作用。 Compared with traditional technology for recovery of soils polluted by heavy metals, phytoremediation has better economic and environmental benefit, but it has some deficiencies such as small size and low growth rate of plants in practices. For making phytoremdiation be a reliable environmental remediation technology, recently, some approaches for enhancing remediation has been reported. In the rhizosphere environment, microorganisms were discovered that had important role in phytoremediation processes. In this paper, the application of hybridization, transgenic engineering and chelator in phytoremediation and role of rhizomicrobes in remediation processes were mainly described.
出处 《环境保护科学》 CAS 2006年第3期39-42,共4页 Environmental Protection Science
关键词 植物修复 杂交育种技术 转基因技术 螯合剂 根际微生物 Phytoremediation Hybridization Transgenic Engineering Chelator Rhizomicrobes
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